Game Preview


  •  English    14     Public
    student greetings
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Nice to meet you.
    Nice to meet you too.
  •  15
  • A: Hi, Julie. How are you ? B: I´m very _____.
    I´m very well.
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  • Congratulations!
    Thank you.
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  • Where are you from?
    I'm from .......
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  • What do you do?
    I'm a student
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  • A: Hi, Sam. B: Hi, Ethan. _____ is Rosemary. C: Nice to Meet you. A: Nice to meet you too.
    This is Rosemary.
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  • Welcome!
    Thank you!
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  • What's up or WhatsApp?
    What's up
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  • A: What your _____ _______? B: It´s 67 9994-00-21
    What´s your phone number?
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  • What's new? How do you usually answer that?
    Not much.
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  • Where do you live?
    I live in ......
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  • A: Good bye, Brenda.See you_____________
    soon/ next week/ later/ tonight.
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  • How’s it going? or How are you doing?
    Pretty well./ Not bad./I don’t feel well.
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  • How do you do?
    How do you do?
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