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Reported speech -ing /infinitive and other struc ...

  •  English    29     Public
    Reported speech
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  • I was wrong (she acknowledged...)
    She acknowledged that she had been wrong
  •  15
  • Ella reconoció que no tenía dinero
    She admitted not having any money /that she didn't have any money
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  • El niega tener un hermano
    He denies having a brother/ that he has a brother
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  • Ella me recomendó visitar al médico /suggest
    She suggested me that I went to see the doctor's / seeing the doctor's.
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  • Él me advirtió que no debía fumar (warn)
    He warned me that I musn't smoke / He warned me not to smoke
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  • Ella me prometió que iría al cine
    She promised me that she would go to the cinema / to go to the cinema
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  • El piensa que le mentiré
    He thinks (that) I will lie to him
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  • Me suplicó que no fuera
    He begged me not to go / He begged me that I didn't go
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  • Me animó a no tener miedo
    He encouraged me not to be afraid
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  • Me ofreció trabajar con él
    He offered me to work with him
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  • La empresa afirma haber ofrecido una compensación
    The company claims to have offered a compensation
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  • Te acuso de robar
    I accuse you of stealing
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  • Me disculpo por no haber hecho los deberes
    I apologise for not having done the homework
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  • Insisto en compartir la comida
    I insist on sharing the food
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  • Ella solía quejarse por tener muchos deberes
    She used to complain about having much homework / that she had much homework
  •  15
  • Me pregunto si todavía me quiere
    I wonder if/whether she still loves me
  •  15