Game Preview


  •  English    8     Public
    Is this game a piece of cake? (C1 Level)
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  • "to speak of the devil" A) to have an uncomfortable conversation / B) the person who you were talking about unexpectedly arrives / C) to talk about a person you don't like
    B) the person who you were talking about unexpectedly arrives
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  • "a piece of cake" to describe something A) very sweet / B) very fun / C) very easy
    C) very easy
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  • "to cost an arm and a leg" A) something cheap / B) something expensive / C) something of low quality
    B) something expensive
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  • "to be on the ball" A) to be alert / B) to be on the top / C) to be funny
    A) to be alert
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  • "to put your feet up" A) to be tired / B) to relax / C) to be clumsy
    B) to relax
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  • "break a leg!" A) well done! / B) have fun! / C) good luck!
    C) good luck!
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  • "once in a blue moon" A) usually / B) never / C) rarely
    C) rarely
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  • "to be under the weather" A) to be strong / B) to be sad / C) to be ill
    C) to be ill
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