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Rosh Hashanah

  •  English    18     Public
    question about the upcoming holiday of Rosh Hashanah
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  • What is there a Minhag to do in the month of Elul?
    Blow the shofar
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  • What day do we don't blow the shofar before Rosh Hashana?
    The day before to sperate the minhag from the actual mitzvah to hear the shofar on Rosh Hashanah?
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  • How many sounds does a shofar make and what are the names of the sounds?
    3 different sounds. Tekiah, Shevarim, Terurah
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  • What is the purpose of blow the shofar in the month of Elul?
    To wake us up to do Teshuvah.
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  • What do people say on Erev Rosh Hashanah?
    Hataras Nedarim
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  • What is the name of the siddur we use on Rosh Hashanah?
    A Machzor
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  • We have a Minhag to avoid what types of food on Rosh Hashanah?
    We avoid sour foods
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  • People have a Minhag to eat what type of food on Rosh Hashanah and Why?
    We eat sweet foods because we want to have a sweet new year.
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  • How many times in total is the shofar blown in Shul in Rosh Hashanah?
    100 times
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  • Why do we eat pomegrantes on Rosh Hashanah?
    We eat a pomegranate because just as pomegranate has many seeds we want as many mitzvos as there are seeds in the pomegranate.
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  • Why do we have a fish head on Rosh Hashanah?
    We have a fish head because we want to be like the head and not the tail of a fish.
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  • What do we say a Shecheyanu on the second night of Rosh Hashanah?
    A new fruit.
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  • What are the reasons we use a ram horn?
    To remind us of the Akedias Yitzchak. We use a ram horn because it is curved, and we want to show what we are humble and bent over before Hashem.
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  • Once the shofar is blown are we allowed to talk?
    You are not supposed to talk till after Musaf when the last blasts of the shofar are blown.
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  • What day do we start saying Tashlich?
    We start the first day after Mincha saying Tashlich.
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  • Where do you go to say Tahslich?
    To a body of water that has fish like a lake.
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