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Physics of Light

  •  English    17     Public
    Physics of Light
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • In Greek, the word “Physics” literally means
    Motion and matter
    The study of movement
    Forces and energy
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  • The _______________ wants everything to be the same and is surprised when everything is different
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  • Choose the best statement about how light affects our ability to see objects.
    Light has to refract through glass first, then enter our eye
    Light only flows directly from the sun into our eyes.
    Light has to reflect off objects & physically enter our eyes
    Light is merely an illusion; you are seeing brain impulses.
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  • Why is the sky blue?
    Smaller blue light waves scatter off gas and dust particles
    Because God likes the color blue the best.
    Ice particles high in the atmosphere look blue- they're cold
    Ocean water reflects its blue color up to the atmosphere
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  • What makes a rainbow show all the colors?
    Dust particles act as refractors
    Light wavelengths act as projectors
    Drops of water act as prisms
    Unicorns act as a rainbow horse army
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  • List the 3 primary colors of light:
    Red, yellow, blue
    Red, Green, Blue
    Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
    Black, white, and gray
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  • List the 3 primary colors of pigment
    Red, yellow, blue
    Cyan, Pink, Indigo
    Violet, Red, Orange
    Magenta, Yellow, Cyan
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  • What happens to the electrons in an object when light hits it?
    Electrons decrease in energy and fall down energy levels
    Electrons increase in energy and jump up energy levels
    Electrons get hyper and vibrate but don't move to new levels
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  • What is it called when light bounces off an object, causing us to be able to see it?
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  • What happens to the electrons in an object when light reflects off of it? They...
    vibrate in the same spot which sends waves of light out
    fall down to original energy level, releasing light energy
    suck energy from the air to return to their original levels
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  • What is refraction?
    Light is bent from its normal course but isn't reflected
    Light is projected from a source but is not visible
    Light is really pretty but too bright to look at
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  • What is interference?
    When light rays try to reflect but run into each other
    When light blocks the path of a spaceship
    When someone gets in your way
    When light rays try to refract but get lost in the medium
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  • If a mirror or lens is not curved, it is called __________.
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  • On a flat mirror, what is the "incoming" ray and the "outgoing" ray?
    Long, short
    Incident, reflecting
    Refracting, Disappearing
    Reflecting, incident
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  • When light interacts with GLASS, what 3 things can occur? (see p 10 in guidebook)
    Retransmission, Absorption, Reflection
    Melting, Breaking, Shining
    Refracting, Running, Interfering
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  • Light passes through glass because the molecules vibrate & pass those vibrations to neighboring atoms through the substance. This is called:
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