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  •  English    12     Public
    Solving Roots of Equation
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The word quadratic comes from the latin word quadratus, which means ____________.
    To make a square
  •  5
  • The given equation is an example of what way of factoring?
    Perfect Square Trinomial
  •  5
  • The solution of a quadratic equation is called ____________.
    Roots of the eqaution
  •  5
  • Transform the given equation into the general equation
    x^2 +5x +12=0
  •  10
  • Find the roots of the given equation using the factoring.
    m= 7; m= -2
  •  15
  • Find the roots of the given equation using extracting square roots.
    x = 6; x= -6
  •  15
  • What is the value of b in the given equation?
    b= -3
  •  15
  • What is the value of c in the given equation?
    c = -57
  •  15
  • What is the value of a in the given equation?
    a = 2
  •  15
  • A second degree polynomial is called _____________.
    Quadratic Equation
  •  5
  • The GENERAL FORM of Quadratic Equation is ___________________.
    ax^2+bx + c=0
  •  5
  • Find the roots of the given equation using extracting square roots.
    x = -1; x= 2
  •  10