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Le 14 juillet

  •  French    12     Public
    C'est quoi, le 14 juillet?
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  • This Tuesday was the 14th of July. Why is this an important date in France?
    It is Bastille Day
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  • The French do not call this public holiday "Bastille Day". Vrai ou Faux?
    Vrai. They call it "le 14 juillet" or "la Fête nationale"
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  • What kind of building was the Bastille?
    A prison
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  • The storming of the Bastille was the beginning of which historic event in France?
    The French Revolution
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  • Who were the king and queen of France in 1789?
    Louis XVI & Queen Marie-Antoinette
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  • Where did the royal family live in 1789?
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  • What is the motto of France?
    Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité (Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood).
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  • Which building was constructed to commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of Bastille Day?
    the Eiffel Tower (la Tour Eiffel)
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  • Which monument now stands in the place where the Bastille used to stand?
    'The July Column' - la Colonne de Juillet
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  • Which building was constructed to commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of Bastille Day?
    The big glass pyramid was built outside the Louvre Museum
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  • Why did the storming of the Bastille take place?
    The people were unhappy--hungry, poor, a bad harvest, high taxes, all of these things led to an uprising to force change
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  • The French Revolution took place in what year?
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