Game Preview


  •  English    12     Public
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  • F1: I'd rather have a final exam than write a research paper. M1: Me, too. Research papers take a lot more time. M2: What does the man mean?
    (A) He prefers taking a final exam. ___ (B) He thinks an exam takes too much time. ___ (C) He'd rather write a research paper.
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  • M1: This first chapter in the statistics textbook seems pretty simple, but I'm sure the other chapters are more difficult. F2: I think you're probably right about that. M2: How does the woman feel about the first chapter?
    (A) It was difficult, but she understood it. ___ (B) It wasn't very useful. ___ (C) It's probably easier than the other chapters.
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  • F1: The university should make it easier for students to register for classes. M1: I couldn't agree with you more. M2: How does the man feel about the woman's idea?
    (A) He completely disagrees with it. ___ (B) He doesn't believe the university will accept it. __ (C) He thinks it's a good one.
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  • M1: Jack's story was certainly well written. F2: Wasn't it, though! And so full of interesting details. M2: What was the woman's opinion of Jack's story?
    (A) She doesn't think that Jack wrote it. __ (B) She thinks it had too many details. __ (C) She found it well-written.
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  • F1: What a perfect day to take a bike ride! M1: You can say that again! M2: What does the man mean?
    (A) He thinks it's a good day for bike riding, too. ___ (B) He doesn't agree with the woman's opinion of the weather. ___ (C) He didn't hear what the woman said
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  • M1: I can't understand why Arthur dropped his chemistry class. He was doing so well in it. F2: Well, me neither, but he must have had a good reason. M2: What does the woman mean?
    (A) Arthur wasn't doing well in the class. ___ (B) She's not sure why Arthur dropped the class. __ (C) She believes Arthur dropped the class for no reason.
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  • MI: Tom's plan is so impractical, it will never work. F1: That's not necessarily so. M2: What does the woman say about Tom's plan?
    (A) It might work. __ (B) It's very impractical. __ (C) It's unnecessary.
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  • F2: That editorial in this morning's paper made me angry! M1: I felt the same way when I first read it, but the more I thought about it, the more I agreed with it. M2: What was the man's initial reaction to the editorial?
    (A) He didn't understand it. __ .. (B) It made him angry. _._ (C) He agreed with it.
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  • M1: The library is sure crowded this evening. F1: Is it ever! You can tell it's getting near final exam week. M2: What does the woman say about the library?
    (A) She's never been there during final exam week. ___ (B) It's crowded because students will be taking exams soon. ___ (C) It's not crowded now, but it soon wi
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  • F2: Madelyn designed the costumes for the play. They're wonderful, don't you think? M1: Absolutely. Who wouldn't? M2: What does the man mean?
    (A) He likes the costumes Madelyn made. ___ (B) He wouldn't recommend the play. __ (C) He doesn't think the costumes are attractive.
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  • F1: That was an exciting movie, and what a happy ending. M1: Happy! You call that happy? M2: How does the man feel about the ending of the movie?
    (A) It was very happy. __ (B) It was exciting. __ (C) It was unhappy.
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  • M1: Pamela thinks these new regulations are unfair, but I don't. F1: Oh, neither do 1. M2: What does the woman mean?
    (A) She thinks Pamela is right. __ (B) She thinks the regulations are fair. __ (C) She disagrees with the man's opinion.
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