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Solutions and Mixtures

  •  English    10     Public
    Answer the questions about mixtures and solutions
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • In the salt and water experiment. Salt is the solute. Water is the ____
  •  15
  • A cheeseburger is an example of a (mixture / solution)
  •  15
  • Coca - cola is a solution. Name two substances in Coca-cola.
    water, sugar, caffine, flavouring
  •  15
  • I can dissolve in water. I make a solution. Am I a solute or solvent?
  •  15
  • How can I separate this mixture?
    Type, colour, texture, shape, size
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  • Salt water is a solution. How can I separate the salt from water?
    boil it
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  • Name a solution. What elements does it have?
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  • Name a mixture. How can you separate it?
    I can use my fingers to separate the different properties.
  •  15
  • sand and water are insoluble. Are they a mixture or solution?
    They are a mixture
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  • How can I separate this mixture? (lemonade)
  •  15