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Irregular verbs

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  •  English    21     Public
    Irregular verbs
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • être
    Be, was/were, been (être)
  •  15
  • Commencer
    Begin, began, begun (commencer)
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  • Casser
    Break, broke, broken (casser)
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  • Apporter
    Bring, brought, brought (apporter)
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  • Construire
    Build, built, built (construire)
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  • Brûler
    Burn, burnt, burnt (brûler)
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  • Acheter
    Buy, bought, bought (acheter)
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  • Pouvoir
    Can, could, been able to (pouvoir)
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  • Attraper
    Catch, caught, caught (attraper)
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  • Choisir
    Choose, chose, chosen (choisir)
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  • Est-ce que tu as coupé les légumes ?
    Did you cut the vegetables ?
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  • Il n'a pas bu aujourd'hui.
    He did not drink today.
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  • Est-ce qu'ils sont tombés dans le piège [trap] ?
    Did they fall in the trap ?
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  • Cameron a donné de l'argent à Vicky.
    Cameron gave money to Vicky.
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  • Les Etats-Unis n'ont pas construit de mur à la frontière [border] mexicaine.
    The United States (US) did not build a wall at the Mexican border.
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  • Les élèves sont venus tôt [early].
    The students/pupils came early.
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