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Learning theory

  •  English    8     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How many experiential learning styles (according to 4.0 version)
  •  25
  • According to Kolb, how many goals in the experiential learning process?
  •  25
  • How many stages in the experiential learning cycle?
  •  25
  • Name 2 influential factors on experiential learning styles
    culture, personality type, educational specialization, career choice, and current job role and tasks
  •  25
  • Why do we need to create learning space for students?
  •  25
  • Students of which learning styles prefer deep reflection on their own
  •  25
  • name some classroom activities which reflect experiential learning
    Field trips, Project-based activities, Problem-solving tasks, Role-playing, Interactive classroom task
  •  25
  • Students of which learning style would rather work alone than in groups
  •  25