Game Preview

Conflict 9/12

  •  English    18     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What type of conflict? A man feels guilty after kissing his best friend's wife.
    man vs. self
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? A man is attacked by a wild animal in the forest.
    man vs. nature
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? A boss fires an employee.
    man vs man
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? A man turns into a monster while on his way to a basketball game.
    man vs. supernatural
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? Two wizards engage in a battle of magic tricks to gain power over the land of elves.
    man vs. supernatural
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? After being distracted by her cellphone, Jenny swerves off the road and hits a tree with her brand new car.
    man vs. technology
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? After the teenager dies 8 consecutive times in the video game, he throws the controller at the tv.
    man vs. technology
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? The captain of a ship is caught in a large rainstorm and the boat is in danger of sinking.
    man vs. nature
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? A husband and wife disagree how their money should be spent.
    man vs. man
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? A teenager saw a wallet on the sidewalk. He thought of taking the money instead of bringing it to the police station.
    man vs. self
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? A plane crashed on an island in the middle of the ocean. Chuck had to survive ... all on his own!
    man vs. nature
  •  25
  • What type of conflict? Joe wants to ask the new girl to the dance but he is too scared.
    man vs. self
  •  25
  • Smiled at her friends.
  •  20
  • When the characters face their problems
  •  15
  • not of this world
  •  15
  • a fight or disagreement
  •  15