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Vocabulary 3 Unit 4

  •  English    20     Public
    is about vocabulary 3
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  • cell phone:the cell phone is a world-renowned means of communication
    Part of mom have a cell phone
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  • games console:virtual game
    Part of cousin has a games console in his room
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  • light bulb:cup-shaped glass with light inside
    Part of speach:NOUN.I have a light bulb in my living room
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  • t.v remote:control for television
    Part of t.v remote ruined yesterday
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  • tablet:similar to the cell phone but bigger and with more capacity
    Part of friend has a giant tablet
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  • dishwasher:automatic and electronic dish washer
    Part of grandmother has a dishwasher in her house because she can no longer wash them
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  • iron:Chemical element with atomic number 26, atomic mass 55.84 and symbol Fe
    Part of speach:NOUN.mi car have iron
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  • microwave: an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength in the range 0.001–0.3 m
    Part of my house there is a microwave
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  • refrigerator: an appliance or compartment which is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink.
    Part of refrigerator is big and gray
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  • fridge:freezer
    Part of speach;NOUN.I have a mini fridge in my room
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  • washing machine: a machine for washing clothes, bed linens, etc
    Part of mother have a washing machine
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  • t v : Remote image and sound transmission system by means of hertzian waves.
    Part of speach:NOUN. I love watch tv programs
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  • laptop: a computer that is portable and suitable for use while traveling.
    Part of speach:NOUN.I receive classes every day on my laptop
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  • computer: an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
    Part of speach:NOUN.My dad have a big computer
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  • oven:an enclosed compartment, as in a kitchen range, for cooking and heating food.
    Part of grandfather have a oven in their house
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  • vacuum: a space entirely devoid of matter.
    my father vacuums the house every day
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