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Custodial Care

  •  English    12     Public
    A quickfire quiz that covers the first 5 weeks
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • An adjudication is..........
    An internal court case
  •  15
  • What key things are covered by dynamic security
    Relationships and Regimes
  •  10
  • What type of searches would a visitor get?
    Level A rub down, Metal detector, body scan, property.
  •  15
  • What is the Use of Force document called?
    PSO 1600
  •  25
  • What are the 3 main levels of regime?
    Basic, Standard, Enhanced
  •  25
  • What are the 3 types of security?
    Physical, Procedural and Dynamic
  •  5
  • What does I.E.P. stand for?
    Incentive and earned privileges
  •  20
  • When should C&R be used?
    As a last resort
  •  25
  • What are the categories of adult male prisoners?
    A, B, C and D
  •  5
  • What are the categories for female and young offenders
    Restricted/category A, open conditions and closed conditions
  •  20
  • A good way to think of security is.....
    Swiss cheese
  •  25
  • Before C&R is used staff should try to......
    Avoid danger, Defuse the situation, Control the situation
  •  25