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UK Politics & Parliament Quiz

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  •  English    20     Public
    Quiz based on information described in the following video ( For ESOL classes.
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  • Parliament is made up of two parts: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. TRUE or FALSE?
    FALSE - Three parts: The House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Monarch (King or Queen)
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  • The Magna Carta is an important document because it declared that the king and his government was not "above the law". TRUE or FALSE?
    TRUE - It was written to prevent the king from exploiting his power and was essential to the formation of Parliament.
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  • There are 650 MPs in the UK. The letters MP stand for "Member of P_____________"?
    MP = Member of *Parliament*
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  • The UK is divided into different voting CONSTITUENCIES. A constituency is a specific area that is represented by each MP in the House of Commons. How many constituencies are there in the UK? A) 550 B) 600 C) 650
    C) 650 constituencies. That's why there are also 650 MPs (Members of Parliament)
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  • The leader of the party that has the most MPs elected after a General Election becomes the head of the Government and is called the ____________?
    The Prime minister
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  • Can you name ONE of the main political parties in the UK?
    The Conservative Party, The Labour Party, The Liberal Democrats, the Green Party, the Scottish National Party, Sinn Féin, Plaid Cymru...
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  • The House of Lords is the part of the parliament in Britain whose members have NOT been elected by the public. The building where they meet is called the_________.
    The House of Lords
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  • How often does the monarch (Queen or King) meet with the Prime minister for updates and to formally agree every new law? A) once a week B) once a month C) once a year
    A) Once a week (Weekly meetings have been taking place since she became the monarch in 1952. The PM usually meets the monarch on Wednesdays).
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  • Prime Ministers Questions, Ministerial Questions and Select Committies are all ways of: A) making sure the government is doing a good job, OR B) electing a new Member of Parliament.
    A) making sure the government is doing a good job (is held accountable for their actions)
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  • New MPs are voted for (chosen) by the public in a General Election, which is held: A) Every three years, B) Every four years, C) Every five years
    C) Every five years
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  • Areas that are represented by a Member of Parliament (MP) are called: A) States, B) Counties, C) Constituencies
    C) Constituencies
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  • The very first Paliament was called together in the year: A) 1865, B) 1565, C) 1265
    C) In 1265, the first Parliament called together during the reign of King Henry III. Simon de Montfort called together his supporters to rebel against King.
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  • Clapping is not permitted in the House of Commons. TRUE or FALSE?
    TRUE - instead MPs show their support by saying "eeeeer eerrr" (derived from "hear, hear")
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  • If you are in prison you are not allowed to vote. TRUE or FALSE?
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  • An election held in one constituency to fill a vacancy caused by death or resignation of an MP is called a A) General Election OR B) By-Election.
    B) By-election
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  • What's the name of this building?
    The Houses of Parliament
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