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Chapter 5

  •  English    13     Public
    Decision Making, Learning, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A routine decision is called a nonprogrammed decision.
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  • A manager who makes a decision based on his or her judgment is using a less rational process than a manager who makes a decision using his or her intuition.
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  • The classical decision making model is prescriptive in the sense that it specifies how decisions should be made.
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  • When managers know the possible outcomes of a decision and can assign probabilities to each of these outcomes in terms of their likelihood of occurrence, a situation of risk occurs.
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  • common reason for poor decisions is that managers fail to specify the criteria that are important for making that particular decision.
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  • The final step in the decision-making process is the implementation of the alternative solution.
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  • Groups often take longer than individuals to make decisions.
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  • Groupthink is an advantage for groups.
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  • Devil's advocacy cannot counter the effects of groupthink.
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  • The ability of a decision-maker to discover novel ideas that lead to feasible alternatives in decision-making is known as creativity.
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  • In brainstorming sessions, the fewer alternatives presented, the better the brainstorming session.
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  • Individuals who believe that they are responsible for what happens to them and that their own actions determine important outcomes, are said to have an external locus of control.
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  • When the members of a group try hard to agree, even when it is done without accurately assessing the information available to the group, we say that groupthink has occurred.
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  • When we say that managers are concerned with the legality of a decision, this is another way of saying that they are concerned with the practicality of the decision.
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