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Old Testament Revision #2

  •  English    25     Public
    Revision for Upcoming Assessment
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is one truth we can learn from the story of Samuel hearing the Lord's voice?
    Samuel's unrighteousness kept him from receiving revelation.
    The Lord gives us one chance to recognise His voice.
    Our ability to recognise the Lord's voice can grow.
    Samuel kept sleeping and did not hear the Lord.
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  • Why did the Israelites ask Samuel for a king?
    They wanted to be like all of the other nations.
    They needed to defeat the Assyrians.
    The prophet had commanded it.
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  • What did David say he would rely on to defeat Goliath?
    The strength of the Lord.
    His armour.
    His physical strength.
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  • What is one truth we can learn from Uzzah's attempt to steady the ark of the covenant?
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  • What does King David's experience with Bathsheba teach us?
    God will help us find the person we should marry.
    Breaking the law of Chastity cannot be forgiven.
    Lustful desires can lead to serious sin.
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  • How can worshipping in the temple help us?
    It allows us to receive ordinances
    Both of the other two answers.
    It can strengthen and comfort us
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  • What was the result of Solomon's marrying outside of the covenant?
    His wife later joined the Church
    His wife left him
    His heart was turned from the Lord
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  • What does the story of the widow in Zarephath providing food for Elijah teach us about blessings?
    Faith to follow a prophet's counsel brings blessings
    Wickedness will prevent us from being blessed
    Not living up to our potential equals no blessings
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  • What does the story of Elijah's contest with the prophets of Baal teach us about the Lord?
    He knows and cares for each of us individually
    His power is greater than the power of men and false gods
    He understands all of our pains and suffering
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  • What did Naaman do that allowed him to be healed of his leprosy?
    He accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ
    He was given a priesthood blessing by the laying on of hands
    He obeyed the prophets even in the simple things
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  • King Cyrus of Persia allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. What does this story teach about opposition?
    At times of opposition, God watches over and helps those who
    We will not have opposition in our lives thanks to Temple B
    Opposition occurs when individuals worship false gods.
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  • What did Esther have the courage to do?
    Pray after being commanded not to pray
    Refuse to eat and drink of the king's wine and meat
    Risk her life to save the Jews
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  • What does the story of Job teach us about trials?
    Our friends and family will support us during trials
    We can trust in God. We don't know reasons for trials
    Righteous will not complain, worry, or question trials
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  • What is one truth we can learn from the phrase "I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands"?
    The Lord sometimes forgets things
    The Lord loves us and will never forget us.
    The Lord counts each of our sins.
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  • What is the name of the 1,000 year period during which the Lord's people will enjoy happiness, peace and prosperity?
    The Restoration
    The Spirit World
    The Millennium
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  • What truth can we learn from Daniel's refusing to eat the king's meat and drink his wine?
    The Lord will curse the wicked
    God will not perform miracles in our lives
    If we keep the Lord's laws, then He will bless us
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