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Conversation skills

  •  Latin    8     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are some good places to make friends?
    playground, lunchroom, on the bus, school yard, teams practice, before/after scout meetings
  •  10
  • Is the washroom a good place to make a friend?
    No- It's a bad place
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  • Name a bad time to make a friend
    when the teacher is talking, when the other person is trying to work, when they're on the phone etc.
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  • Is after school a good time to make a friend?
    Yes - Its a good time to make a friend
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  • What are some Do's to remember when having a conversation?
    Trade information, Ask Follow- up questions, Ask open-ended questions
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  • What are some Don'ts for having a two-way conversation?
    Don't be a conversation hog Don't be an interviewer Don't get to personal
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  • Name some body language rules to remember when having a conversation
    Make eye contact, Orient your body towards the person, Keep an arms length distance, use an appropriate volume
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  • Whats an example of an open ended question?
    What kind of movies do you like? What do you like to do for fun? How was your weekend?
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