Game Preview

Let's get to know each other better

  •  English    12     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What's your name? How old are you?
    My name is Natalia Sergeevna. I am 30.
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  • What are your hobbies and interests?
    I like photography because it allows me to save good memories about me and the people I love.
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  • What's your favourite subject at school?
    When I was at school my favourite subject was mathematics. And we also had a very kind math teacher.
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  • What is your favourite sport? How often do you practise it?
    I like yoga. I'm trying to attend yoga classes at least twice a week.
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  • What do you usually do in your free time?
    When it's summer I usually ride a bike or go hiking. In winter I like going to the cinema or visiting my relatives and friends.
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  • What country would you like to visit? Why?
    I would like to visit New Zealand, because I'm a fan of Tolkien's books such as Lord of the Rings and Hobbit.
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  • What’s your favorite book or movie?
    I'm fond of Harry Potter books and movies. I started reading them at the age of 11.
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  • Do you have any pets?
    I have a lovely cat. His name is Konstantin.
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  • Are you an early bird or a night owl?
    I'm a night owl. I don't like getting up early.
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  • Tell us 3 facts about yourself.
    I lived in France for two years. I hate cooking. I'm a very bad singer.
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  • What do you like to eat for dinner?
    I like different kinds of food. But for dinner I prefer vegetables and meat.
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  • How often do you play computer games?
    I hardly ever play computer games. I would like to do it sometimes, but don't have time.
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