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Lesson 4_Polite disagreement

  •  English    6     Public
    Agree or Disagree politely
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
    Your opinion: Agree or Disagree
  •  15
  • Internet makes our lives easier.
    Your opinion: Agree or Disagree
  •  10
  • Money is more important than love.
    Your opinion: Agree or Disagree
  •  15
  • ‘Smart phones’ make us stupid.
    Your opinion: Agree or Disagree
  •  10
  • Being really short is better than being really tall.
    Your opinion: Agree or Disagree
  •  25
  • Video games make people violent.
    Your opinion: Agree or Disagree
  •  20