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brain bits

  •  English    16     Public
    Brain anatomy
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I coordinate muscle movement, regulate posture and balance.
  •  15
  • A network of neurons that extends from the reticular formation to different parts of the brain and spinal cord.
    Reticular Activating system
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  • The system responsible fro bringing important sensory information to your attention (eg look at all the BMWs!)
    Reticular Activating System
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  • Help you maintain balance when you are blindfolded and standing on one Leg
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  • Regulates sleep, arousal (alertness), helps to control breathing and some muscle movement.
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  • Where can you find the hindbrain?
    Located at the rear base of the brain around the brain stem
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  • The forebrain is the largest and most highly developed part of the brain - it contains the Cerebrum T/F?
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  • You're so thirsty - which part of your brain regulates thirst?
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  • Known as a sensory relay station and is responsible for directing attention: TH___________
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  • The gap between neurons that a chemical message traverses
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  • The long thin part of the neuron that the electric impulse travels down:
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  • The branches that recieve a neuron's inputs
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  • What is an Axon Terminal?
    The output of a neuron
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  • What are two (of the three) types of Neuron
    Sensory Motor Inter
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  • I am composed of two hemispheres and am sometimes removed in severe cases of encephalitis
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  • Are the messages that neurons recive/carry/ send electrical or chemical? Explain
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