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    5OT "B"
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  • He couldn’t adapt his plan
    The world will adapt to you.
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  • Here is the mechanism of this adaptation.
    It is an adaptation of the HEARTLAND.
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  • Help develop a safety plan.
    I develop her, educate her.
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  • Late in development, the U.
    The Development of a Nation.
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  • Number two would be, diversify.
    Companies that do not diversify and.
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  • A hallmark of space-time is its great expanse and diversity, hence a macrocosmos
    This is akin to the polytheism of the Roman Empire, acceptance of diversity yet.
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  • If you are not in an environment.
    To succeed in this environment.
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  • We will evolve, but into what?
    Humans will evolve on schedule.
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  • Over 30 species of frogs are extinct.
    They should die out and go extinct.
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  • The photo of a fossil human scull at Wikipedia.
    It was fixed in a rock like a fossil.
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  • Surprisingly, fossilized is a word, even though George W
    UP and Bihar are a good example—in the two big states of the Hindi heartland, the Congress has fossilized.
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  • Skin and soft tissues rot down quickly before fossilization takes place. The process of decay was overtaken by that of fossilization
    Intact fossilization of any species is uncommon because the bodies of dead animals are often destroyed by natural processes.
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  • That or a specially adapted space habitat.
    For Frank, computers represented habitat.
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  • This culture began to mutate and form plant growth, at which time.
    If, inside the system, a plant were to mutate and sprout an.
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  • There was a natural gas.
    But Aiden had a natural gift for.
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  • Oh, hell, the Whale will survive.
    Remember only the strong survive.
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