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Possessive Nouns

  •  English    12     Public
    Possessive Nouns
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The dog of Carlos.
    Carlos' dog
  •  15
  • Andres (change it to possessive)
  •  20
  • When do we add -- > 's?
    When the noun doesn't finish in "S" or plural
  •  25
  • When do we add just the apostrophe---> ' ?
    When the noun finishes in "S" or it's plural.
  •  25
  • The boy has a toy.
    The boy's toy.
  •  15
  • The kids have a cat.
    The kids' cat.
  •  15
  • Hannah ( change it to possessive)
  •  15
  • Make a sentence with the possessive noun -- > Ximena's
    Correct / incorrect
  •  20
  • Change the possessive sentence. * My father's red car.
    My father has a red car.
  •  20
  • Change the possessive sentence: *Carlos' house.
    The house of Carlos. Carlos has a house.
  •  20
  • Make a sentence with the noun * clown
    Correct / Incorrect
  •  15
  • The teacher have an apple.
    The teacher's apple
  •  20