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Math Problem Challenges

  •  English    10     Public
    Solve the math word problem
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  • Maya wrote the number 730,918. She challenged Alizon to rearrange the digits to create the highest possible number. What number did Alizon make?
  •  15
  • Lennox was given this puzzling pattern and asked to complete it. Which two numbers should he should write next? 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25,
    28, 31
  •  10
  • Lidya & Poppy found this number pattern as part of the code on a keypad to unlock a vault. 27, 26, 24, 23, 21, __, __. What are the last two numbers they should punch in?
    20, 18
  •  15
  • Issac’s bicycle cost $50 more than Na'eem’s bicycle. Na’eem's bicycle cost $180. How much did Issac’s bicycle cost?
  •  20
  • Daryian bought 2 baseball hats for $15.25 each. He also bought 2 wrist bands for $2.50 each. How much money did he spend?
  •  10
  • Delia had a huge sticker collection. She had 280 stickers. Her friend, Bianca, had 155 stickers in her collection. How many more stickers did Delia have than Bianca?
  •  15
  • There were 3 cats and 4 geese in the barnyard. How many total legs were there
  •  25
  • Haileigh picks 5 apples every minute in the orchard. How many apples does she pick in 20 minutes?
  •  10
  • Angel is making pizzas for 15 guests. If each person (including Angel) is expected to eat 2 slices, how many 8-slice pizzas should Angelo make?
  •  25
  • Joshua had 35 cherries. He gave 8 to each of his sisters. He still has 3 left over. How many sisters does Joshua have?
  •  20