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  •  English    16     Public
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  • a famous person (người nổi tiếng)
    celebrity (noun )
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  • He became a celebrity after winning a gold ________ at the Olympics.
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  • a large amount of money (của cải, cơ đồ)
    fortune (noun )
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  • He ____ a fortune by making Youtube videos.
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  • person who is no longer as famous, successful or important as they used to be (người hết thời)
    has-been (noun )
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  • She’s just an ___ has-been.
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  • attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public (tầm cỡ)
    high-profile (adjective )
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  • a person, thing or name that has become very well known (cái tên phổ biến)
    household name (noun phrase)
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  • well known to many people through television, newspapers, the internet, etc. (được nhiều người chú ý tới)
    in the public eye (idiom)
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  • famous on the internet (nổi tiếng trên mạng)
    internet famous (adjective phrase)
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  • the centre of public attention (trung tâm của sự chú ý)
    limelight (noun )
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  • recently discovered or achieved fame (sự nổi tiếng gần đây)
    new-found fame (noun phrase )
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  • photographers who follow famous people around in order to get interesting photographs of them to sell to a newspaper (thợ săn ảnh)
    paparazzi (noun )
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  • rich
    wealthy (adj)
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  • having a natural aptitude or skill for something = có tài
    talented (adj)
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  • a person who reports, especially one employed to report news or conduct interviews for newspapers or broadcasts = nhà báo
    reporter (n)
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