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Clark Training Quiz

  •  English    15     Public
    Health Insurance
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Clark resources depend on Quality, Diversity, Commitment & dedication or all of the above?
    all of the above
  •  15
  • A customer is an outsider to our business, they are not a definite part of it. true or False.
    False, a customer is not an outsider to our business, they are a definite part of it.
  •  15
  • what words do open ended questions start with
    How, Why, When,Where, What Who Which
  •  20
  • what might a closed question start with?
    Do, Is, Can, Could, Will, Shall, Should
  •  25
  • What does FCR stand For:
    First Call Resolution
  •  15
  • what are some types of Inbound Support?
    General Member Questions​ Provider Look ups​ Care Connections​ PCP Changes​ Claims Inquires​ Prior Authorizations​ Medication Coverage​
  •  10
  • What is an Occurrence?
    An occurrence is a point value received for an unscheduled absence, tardy or Early Departure
  •  10
  • what does PHI stand for
    Protected Health Information
  •  10
  • A members telephone number is a non public element
  •  10
  • what is Paraphrasing?
    Responding using important words or phrases to reflect understanding and empathy.
  •  10
  • Your Attitude consists of what 2 components
    Internal and External
  •  10
  • what are soft skills?
    social skills that people have and how we interact with eachother
  •  25
  • can you retaliate against? a whistle blower
  •  5
  • What is Abuse?
    Payment for items or services that were not entitled to you.
  •  15
  • what are civil penalties for violating HIPAA
    Up to $1.5 million per year per violation​
  •  15