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Now I know 4 Unit 10

  •  English    30     Public
    vocabulary unit 10 now I know 4
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  • an organization for helping people in need; organizations for helping people in need, considered as a group; the money, food, help, etc. that they give
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  • to give money, food, clothes, etc. to somebody/something, especially a charity
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  • a way of sending messages and data to other people by means of computers connected together in a network
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  • at regular intervals or times, often. In an even or balanced way
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  • to agree to give somebody moeny for a charity if they complete a particular task to pay the costs of a particular event, programme, etc. as a way of advertising
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  • to help or encourage somebody/something by saying or showing that you agree with them
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  • a written message that you send using a mobile phone
    text message
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  • a person who does a job without being paid for it. A person who offers to do something without being forced to do it.
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  • a set of pages on the internet, where a company of an organization, or an individual, puts information
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  • to collect money to help people
    raise money
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  • a place where people in need can go to get free food. An organization that stores basic food supplies for distribution to people in need. The food is often passed on to local food pantries, which give it to people who need it.
    food bank
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  • costing nothing. Not under the control or in the power of somebody else; able to do what you want. Not limited or controlled by anyone else
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  • the state of being poor. a lack of something; poor quality
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  • to look after somebody who is sick, very old, very young, etc. to love or like someone very much.
    care for
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  • to bring things together from different places or people. to buy or find things of a particular type and keep them as a hobby.
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  • happening all the time or repeatedly. that does not change.
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