Game Preview


  •  English    11     Public
    Coping Strategies
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are some ways to calm yourself down when you are angry?
    Take deep breaths, talk to a friend or get some exercise all are great ideas.
  •  15
  • What are things you do that make you happy?
    Sounds like fun!!
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  • When you are feeling really upset and need help who can you reach out to?
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  • Is hitting someone back helpful or hurtful.
    Hurtful two wrongs don't make a right.
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  • True or False- Taking a deep breath to calm you down helps?
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  • True or False- Box breathing is a strategy used to calm your body and brain.
    True- Practice together!
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  • True or False- 1 in every 3 adolescents will deal with an anxiety disorder.
    True- Why are we not more open about this???
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  • True or False- Changing how you think of a problem can sometimes make the problem disappear.
    True- Sometimes it is an opportunity.
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  • What are some great songs you can listen to to cheer you up?
    Rock ON!!!
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  • True or False- Meditation works for everybody.
    False- NO strategy works for everyone, meditation is great but not for every person.
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  • Who are the staff who can help at school if you need support.
    CYC, Principal, Teacher, EA's, Secretary, Librarian, Custodian, Lunch Supervisor all are here to help.
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