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Contact and Colonisation

  •  English    26     Public
    British contact and colonisation in Australia
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How many Aboriginal Tribes were there in Australia in 1788?
    More than 500
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  • What is the Dream time?
    It involves creation stories which form the basis of law and religious belief.
  •  15
  • What does the term 'terra nullius' mean?
    It is Latin for 'land belonging to no-one'
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  • Why did the British think Australia was 'ownerless?'
    Because Aboriginal people lived in a totally different way to the colonisers.
  •  10
  • What was the name of the first Governor of the Australian colony?
    Governor Arthur Phillip
  •  5
  • What was the name of the tribe that lived around Sydney Harbour?
  •  10
  • What does 'dispossession' mean?
    Indigenous land taken away without prior agreement,
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  • What was the name of the Aboriginal warrior who waged war on the British?
  •  20
  • Where did a massacre occur where the attackers were found guilty of murder?>
    Myall Creek
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  • What was the Aboriginal term for 'father?'
  •  15
  • What was the Aboriginal term for 'son?'
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  • How long did Bennelong stay in England?
    3 years.
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  • What happened to Bennelong's friend Yemmerrawanne who went to English with him?
    He died of pneumonia.
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  • How did Bennelong die?
    He was killed in a tribal fight.
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  • What does 'paternalism' mean?
    A 'fatherly' attitude to treat people as children.
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  • What does 'colonisation' mean?
    The permanent settlement of land by foreigners.
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