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  •  English    19     Public
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  • Access: The method or possibility of getting near to a place or person.
    NOUN. That person gives me access to his office
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  • Civil war: A war fough by different groups of people living in the same country.
    NOUN. There have been many civil wars lately for power.
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  • Diversity: The fact of many different types of things or people being included in something, a range of different thing or people.
    NOUN. There is a diversity of people all over the world.
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  • Ethnicity: The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national o cultural tradition.
    NOUN. Friends form an ethnicity.
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  • Refugee: Person who has escaped from their own country.
    NOUN. They are going to take refugee in another country.
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  • Scarcity: A situation in which something is not easy to find or get.
    NOUN. There are many scarcity of water.
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  • Health care: The services provided by a country or an organization that involve caring for peoples.
    NOUN. Health care is good for us.
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  • Global challenges: Any major trend, shock, or development.
    NOUN. The global challenges is one more step to the world.
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  • Victim: Someone or something that has been hurt, damaged, or killed or has sufferd.
    NOUN. She was a victim in the kidnapping.
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  • Tolerance: Willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different.
    NOUN. She has a lot of tolerance for her siblings.
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  • Basic needs: ( Food, shelter, clothing, sanitatation, education, etc.) nescessary for a minimum standard of living.
    NOUN. The empty basic needs to live are: house, food, bathroom ets.
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  • Problem: A situation, person, or thing that needs attention and needs to be dealt with or solved.
    NOUN. He has a problem that's why he's thinking.
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  • Education: The prosess of teaching or learning.
    NOUN. Education is very important.
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  • Safe place: A place provides a physically and emottionally.
    NOUN. The BOTANIC building is a very safe place.
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  • Solution: The answer to a problem.
    NOUN. The best solution is peace and respect.
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  • Trash: Waste material or things that are no longer wanted or needed.
    NOUN. That trash smells bad.
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