Game Preview

Think It or Say It?

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  •  English    16     Public
    Deciding whether comments should be said or kept in our head.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Every day when you enter school, the security guard says hello and calls you the wrong name. You have corrected him before but he forgot again. You say, “If you can’t remember my name, don’t say hello to me.”
    Think It
  •  15
  • The Earth Club is trying to raise money to buy flowers to plant in front of the school. Everyone is yelling out different ideas. You say, “This is not helping, let’s write the ideas down and pick one out of the hat to choose."
    Say It
  •  15
  • Your family goes out to dinner. Your sister has been trying to lose weight. She thinks about it and orders the brownie sundae for dessert. You say, “Are you sure? You won’t lose any weight that way.”
    Think It
  •  15
  • You are going on vacation and share a room with your cousins. When you get there, your younger cousin says he is tired. You say, “We are staying up all night. Don’t spoil our fun.”
    Think It
  •  15
  • Your mom yells at you because your room is a mess. She tells you that you can’t go to soccer practice until it is clean. You say, “Practice is in one hour, do you think I’m a magician?”
    Think It
  •  15
  • A classmate comes into school with a new outfit. She is showing off her new shoes. You notice that no one says anything about them. You say to her, “Wow, I like your shoes. Are they new?”
    Say It
  •  15
  • You go to the school library and the librarian say you have a missing book. You disagree with her and don’t remember taking out that book. You say to her, “I really don’t think I took that book out. Can you double check?”
    Say It
  •  15
  • A friend tells a joke. You don't think it's funny. You say "hahah, good one!"
    Say It
  •  15
  • A kid reads a word out wrong in class. You say "Dude, that was wrong. Try again."
    Think It
  •  15
  • A friend tells you they won a soccer trophy, but you don't care about soccer. You say "so what?"
    Think It
  •  15
  • You want to be the leader of the group, but your teacher chooses someone else. You say "that's not fair, it's my turn!"
    Think It
  •  15
  • A kid spills a drink all over their clothes and it looks funny. You say "Let me help you clean that up."
    Say It
  •  15
  • You're picking players for your soccer team. Rick isn't very good at soccer. You say "You can't be on our team, we don't want to lose."
    Think It
  •  15
  • You love reading about disasters. Your friend is going on a plane tomorrow. You say "Oh cool, I read a great story about a plane crash the other day!"
    Think It
  •  15
  • A friend is talking about Star Wars. You think that movie's boring. You say "What was your favourite part of the movie?"
    Say It
  •  15
  • Your friend misses the shot in tennis. You say "It's ok, you'll get it next time!"
    Say It
  •  15