Game Preview

Junior D - revision

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  •  English    25     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Tell me five tyes of dessert
    ice-cream, crepes, chocolate cake, tiramisu, brownies, chocolate pudding, carrot cake, apple pie, etc
  •  15
  • Tel me three type of food you can have as starters
    garlic bread, salad, soup, potatoes, spring rolls, nachos, bruschetta, etc
  •  15
  • Where can you eat fresh prawns, mussels, shrimps, etc?
    In a Seafood Grill&Bar
  •  15
  • Where can you eat sushi?
    In a Japanese restaurant
  •  15
  • Where can you eat spring rolls and pineapple chicken?
    In a Chinese restaurant
  •  15
  • Where can you eat risotto, pizza and pasta?
    In an Italian restaurant
  •  15
  • Where should you go to eat if you don't eat meat or fish?
    In a vegetarian restaurant
  •  15
  • My teacher couldn't speak yesterday. She had a ______________
    sore throat
  •  15
  • I had___________ last week! I had a temperature and a horrible cough!
    the flu
  •  15
  • Charles crashed into a tree yesterday and now he is covered in black and purple__________!
  •  15
  • Laura feels______________. Everything is spinning around and she cannot stand.
  •  15
  • I broke my arm last year and I had to have it in ____________ for a month! It was terrible!
  •  15
  • I ________ my ankle while I was playing tennis last weekend!
  •  15
  • Linda is allergic to pollen so every spring she has a __________________
    runny nose
  •  15
  • Tell me the opposite of PATIENT
  •  10
  • Tell me the opposite of ORGANISED
  •  15