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Dreams B1/B2

  •  English    32     Public
    English as a foreign language as a conversation class about dreams
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  • Who said he had a dream? Can you change what he said into direct speech?
    Martin Luther King Jr
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  • What does lucid dream mean? Have you ever had one?
    A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. In a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream.
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  • What does it mean to dream (of)? What is your dream?
    To (have a) dream (of) means to hope/wish that something happens in the future.
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  • What does it mean to dream?
    to have visions and thoughts in your sleep : to have a dream while you are sleeping
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  • Can you complete the phrasal verb: dream __ (something) also dream (something) _ : to think of or invent (something) in your mind
    dream up (something) also dream (something) up : to think of or invent (something) in your mind
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  • What does ´dream on´ mean?
    used to say that you do not think something that another person wants or expects will ever happen “I think my band will be famous one day.” “Dream on.
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  • ´What does never/not dream of? What would you never dream of doing?
    — used to say that you would never do something or think of doing something I would never dream of asking for more money. I would never dream of....
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  • Why is dreaming important?
    Dreaming at night is important because it helps restore your brain
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  • At the sound of me, men may dream or stamp their feet. At the sound of me, women may laugh or sometimes weep. Who am I?
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  • Do you agree with Freuds theory that we are everyone in our dreams?
    Did the student give a reason?
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  • What is a nightmare? What is the adjective of nightmare?
    a dream that frightens a sleeping person : a very bad dream Mommy, I had a really scary nightmare. Nightmarish
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  • What does it mean to be living the dream?
    living the dream Leading an extremely ideal life, especially in relation to one's career. (Sometimes said ironically to mean the opposite.)
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  • Who said ´to sleep perchance to dream¨ Newton, Hamlet, Nikola Tesla?
    Hamlet during his soliloquy/monologue To Be or Not To Be from Shakespeare's Hamlet
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  • Can you remember your best ever dream? Tell us about it
    did student use story telling language i.e.. past continuous, past simple, when, while etc.
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  • When he was a little boy, Justin dreamed of a. sleeping a lot b. many nightmares c. being a football star
    being a football star
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  • What is a dream start?
    When everything goes well at the beginning
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