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Shabbos Preparation

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    Halachos for preparing for Shabbos
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  • True of False - Shabbos is equal to all the Mitzvos?
  •  15
  • Why is Shabbos equal to all the Mitzvos?
    It is a reminder that Hashem created the world
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  • You come across a delicious piece of meat on Tuesday at the butcher, it is really expensive. Would you eat it for supper or leave it for Shabbos?
    Leave it for Shabbos
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  • It is a short winter Friday, you have a very busy schedule, can one go shopping for Shabbos before going to שחרית?
    Yes, one can certainly go before davening, as ensuring you have the right food for Shabbos is a great Mitzvah. Just be careful not to miss the time of קריאת שמע
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  • What should one say when buying food for Shabbos?
    Lekovod Shabbos
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  • On which day should one not do their laundry for Shabbos
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  • True or False: One should not prepare for Shabbos if he has somebody to do it for him. Instead he should learn Torah.
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  • True or false: It is a big Mitzvah to seperate the Challah on Erev Shabbos True or false: It is a big Mitzvah to seperate the Challah on Erev Shabbos
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  • Why should one prepare a large Challah for the day meal?
    To show it is the most important meal
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  • One should buy the following foods for Shabbos: Meat, Fish and Sweets
    Meat, fish, wine
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  • If you don't like the regular Shabbos foods you should....
    Find other enjoyable foods to eat
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  • Why does one not have to force himself to eat the Shabbos foods?
    One should enjoy the Shabbos, not suffer
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  • How should one prepare the house for Shabbos?
    Lay the beds, cover the tables and clean the house
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  • From when should one not eat a meal on Erev Shabbos?
    From 9 and a half hours
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  • If one has to make a Bris Milah or Pidyon Haben on Friday it should be made in the ...
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  • Why should one not eat close to Shabbos?
    In order to have an appetite for the Shabbos meal
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