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Ancient Egyptian Review Religion & Daily Life

  •  English    29     Public
    Review game for Quiz tomorrow
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  • The highest official in Ancient Egypt to serve the pharaoh
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  • A decorative stone coffin used to house a mummy.
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  • A complex system of writing that implements drawings
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  • People in ancient Egypt (usually men) who learned to read and write.
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  • A covered urn where organs of the mummy were kept inside.
    Canopic Jar
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  • Salt that was normally stuffed into the body of the mummy for 40 days.
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  • A simplified version of hieroglyphics. Use of dashes and strokes to represent pictures
    Hieratic Script
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  • A process used on the dead to properly preserve their body.
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  • A book that held magical spells to help the person pass through the underworld, a dangerous place filled with snakes, lakes of fire, and scary creatures.
    Book of the Dead
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  • ___________ was a process that was used on the dead. The Egyptians would remove the intestines, stomach, liver, and lungs.
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  • The Egyptians would pull the ___________ out through the nose and would throw it away since they did not consider it to control the body.
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  • The next step was that the Egyptians would wrap the body tightly with long ribbons of _____ soaked linen.
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  • ____________________ was considered the most dangerous part of the journey.
    Hall of two truths
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  • The priests performed _______________________ which was a ceremony that allowed the mummy to speak and eat in the afterlife.
    "Opening of the mouth"
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  • ______________ is the most important deity. He is the sun god. Responsible for the sun rising and setting as he sails his boat across the sky between heaven and earth.
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  • _______________ is the mean and evil brother of Osiris. Also known as the god of violence and disorder
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