Game Preview

Super hero Learning

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  •  English    20     Public
    Being a good example
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Super Girl is Patient- Tell me two ways you can show you are patient and wait nicely?
    Great waiting!!!
  •  15
  • Aquaman is Fair- Tell me two ways you can play fair with your friends?
    Great ideas!!!
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  • Superman cooperates- Tell me two ways you cooperate while learning in school?
    Work hard play hard!!!
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  • Superman cooperates- Tell me two ways you cooperate with your fiends at recess?
    Friends love to have fun together!!
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  • Green Lantern is responsible- Tell me three responsibilities you can have at home?
    Great I bet you feel good for being such a good helper!!
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  • Green Lantern is responsible- Tell me three ways you show responsibility at school?
    Wow!!! Together we make this school amazing!!
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  • Wondr Woman Perseveres- What have you worked hard to learn at home.
    You are awesome!!!
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  • Wonder Woman Perseveres- Tell us one skill you have worked hard to learn at school?
    Wonderful work!!!
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  • Great way to calm our bodies is to do roller coaster breathing. Lets do it together
    Great job makes us feel amazing right!!
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  • Stand in super hero pose and tell me something awesome about you!!
    I am so proud!!!!
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  • When you are feeling stressed getting some exercise is good for our body. Let's run on the spot for one minute!
    Phew good job, how does your body feel now.
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  • Aquaman is fair- If you lost a game what could you say to the other person?
    That sounds good.
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  • Super girl is patient- What are some things you can do while you are waiting?
    Great ideas!!
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  • What is your super power? Tell us something that makes you special!!!!
    You are Awesome!!!
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  • What super thing can you say to someone if they make you angry??
    I bet that will help them!!!
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  • You see a friend and they are all alone what can you say and do?
    Great idea!!!
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