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  •  Abkhaz    12     Public
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  • anxious: worried and nervous
    part of speech: adjective. I saw my sister's anxious face at the window
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  • ashamed: feeling guilty or embarrassed about something you have done or about a quality in your character
    adjective. You've got nothing to be ashamed of
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  • calm: peaceful, quiet, and without worry
    adjective.He has a very calm manner
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  • grumpy: easily annoyed and complaining
    I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling kind of grumpy.
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  • drowsy: being in a state between sleeping and being awake
    adjective. The room is so warm it's making me feel drowsy.
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  • glum: disappointed or unhappy, and quiet
    part of speech: adjective. He's very glum about the company's prospects
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  • frightened: feeling fear or worry
    adjective. She gets frightened when he shouts at her
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  • pleased: happy or satisfied
    adjective. Are you pleased about John's promotion
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  • guilty: feeling guilt
    adjective. I feel so guilty about forgetting her birthday.
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  • irritated: annoyed
    adjective. I began to get increasingly irritated by her questions.
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  • outraged: feeling outrage
    adjective. She became outraged by poverty
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  • shocked: surprised or upset because something unexpected and usually unpleasant has happened
    adjective. After his announcement, there was a shocked silence
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