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  • During validation a member provides the non public element 12-22-23 as a DOS for where in CSI can you confirm that info?
    Claims- Customer service tree
  •  15
  • Name one example of PHI?
    medical charts/records, claims records, policy numbers, ssn #'s RXinfo pcp -any non public item
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  • How do you verify staff calling from providers offices ?
    First name - last initial of caller- providers name/location- NPI -call back number
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  • Where do you assign the issue when the member provides their new address or phone #
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  • Grandmother is calling for member her adult grandson. She is on her way to the pharmacy to pick up his RX she wants to know when the RX was filled- Can you assist?
    NO - that is PHI
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  • What must you confirm when staff calls from Children and Youth?
    first and last name - what office ? call back number - confirm the name is on the children and youth list
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  • How do you verify a members PCP per DHS requirments ?
    Ask the member who is your PCP ?where do you See that PCP at? If they cant provide BOTH - You must provide both to the member
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  • How many validation questions are we required to ask a member?
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  • what does the acronym HIPAA stand for?
    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
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  • A mom calls in to request an ID card sent for her 3 member kids - the kids accounts are linked so you don't need to verify each one. T or F
    FALSE -!
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  • When emailing member material what must you put in the subject line ?
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  • Mother of 15 year old member calls because she has questions about a bill for members therapist visit . Can you assist?
    You need verbal permission from the member to discuss any behavioral heath claims
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