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What time is it?

  •  English    10     Public
    Depict the time on the clock or answer the question.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What time is it?
    It's twenty to three.
  •  10
  • What do you do at this time?
    I get up, eat breakfast and brush my teeth.
  •  20
  • What time is it?
    It's ten to five.
  •  10
  • Where are you usually at this time?
    I'm usually at school or at home.
  •  20
  • What time is it?
    It's twenty past six.
  •  10
  • At what time do you go to bed?
    I go to bed at midnight.
  •  20
  • What time is it?
    It's half past 10.
  •  10
  • At what time do you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner?
    I eat breakfast at 8 o'clock, lunch at 11 o'clock and dinner at half past 3.
  •  20
  • What time is it?
    It's 3 o'clock.
  •  10
  • What time can it be in the photo?
    It can be 8 o'clock as it looks like the sun is setting.
  •  25