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Idioms #1

  •  English    10     Public
    Here are some every day idioms put to practice. Decide if the idiom is being used correctly or not. If not, give the correct idiom!
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  • Hey, can I bum a dollar off of you to buy a snack? I forgot my wallet.
    Correct! To bum means to borrow.
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  • The restaurant is jam packed. There is hardly anybody in there!
    Incorrect Jam packed means full to the maximum level.
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  • Are you guys going downtown? Can I tag along? I don't have any wheels right now and I need to go to the market.
    Correct/Correct Tag along means to join others who already have a plan Wheels means a car.
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  • Drop everything until you finish the homework you started an hour ago!
    Incorrect Drop everything means to stop what you are doing immediately.
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  • This food is really delicious. It suits you!
    Incorrect Suit means to look good on you.
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  • Turn it up please. I love this song! It really bugs me!!
    Incorrect Bug means bother or annoy.
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  • We have just gotten word that the president has been shot. This is breaking news.
    Correct Get word means to receive news.
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  • So my boyfriend just dropped the bombshell on me that he is gay and he wants to break up!
    Correct Drop a bombshell means to give suprising or shocking news.
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  • I would offer you something to drink, but I have a bunch of soda. Sorry.
    Incorrect Bunch means a lot of something.
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  • Living in a coed dorm is strange at first, but you get used to it pretty quick.
    Correct Dorm means a living quarters usually at University.
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