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Natural Science

  •  English    22     Public
    3º - Unit 6 - Energy and Machines
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are 2 examples of simple machines?
    Lever, pulley, wheel and axel, inclined plane, screw...
  •  10
  • What are 2 examples of complex machines?
    Computer, sewing machine, construction equipment, etc....
  •  10
  • Machines need ____________ to work!
  •  10
  • What source of energy is powering this machine?
    Solar energy
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  • What source of energy is powering this machine?
    Human energy
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  • What source of energy is powering this machine?
    Wind energy
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  • True or false? I SHOULD give my personal information (like my home address) to strangers on the internet.
  •  5
  • True or False? I can use the internet WITHOUT asking my parents for permission.
  •  5
  • What materials make good electrical conductors (electricity CAN easily flow through them)?
    Metal, water...
  •  10
  • What materials make good electrical insulators (electricity CANNOT flow through them)?
    Wood, plastic, glass...
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  • What type of energy does this rollercoaster have?
    Electrical energy, mechanical energy
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  • What type of energy is stored in food?
    Chemical energy
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  • What type of energy is produced by the sun?
    Light energy, thermal energy
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  • Electrical energy changes into ___________ energy.
    Thermal energy
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  • True or False? NEVER use an electrical appliance near water.
  •  5
  • Does this show safe behavior around electricity? Why or why not?
    No, because the power socket is overloaded
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