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  •  English    20     Public
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  • Fish: An animal that lives in water, is covered with scales, and breathes by taking water in through its mouth, or the fresh of these animals eaten as food.
    NOUN. The fish already ate.
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  • Reading: The skill or activity of getting information from books.
    VERB. The boy likes to reading very much.
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  • Float: To stay on the on surfrace of a liquid and not sink.
    VERB. He floats very slowly.
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  • Frog: A small animal that has smooth skin, lives in water and on land.
    NOUN. The frog panicked and climbed on a leaf out of fear.
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  • Pet: An animal that is kept in the home as a companion and treated kindly.
    NOUN. My pet is very cute.
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  • Glue: A stichy substance that is used for joining things together permanently, produced from animal bones and skins or by a chemmical process.
    NOUN. The glue is very sticky.
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  • Clock: A device for measuring and showing time, usually found in or on a building and not worn by a person.
    NOUN. This clock is very expensive.
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  • Map: A drawing of the earth's surfrace, showing the shape and position.
    NOUN. The map guides us.
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  • Write: To make marks that represent letters, words, or numbers on a surfrace, such as paper or a computer screen, using a pen, pencil, or keyboard, or to usee this method to record thoughts, facts, or messages.
    VERB. He writes very well.
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  • Cake: A sweet food made with a mixture of flour, eggs,fat, and sugar.
    NOUN. That cake is my favorite.
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  • Duke: A title of a man who has a very high social rank or who is the ruler of a small, independent country, or the person himself
    NOUN: The duke is thinking.
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  • Jump: To push yourself suddenly off the ground and into the air your legs.
    VERB. They are jumping.
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  • Cat: A small animal with fur, four legs, A tail, and claws, usually kept as a pet or for catching mice.
    NOUN. My cat is very playful.
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  • Doctor: A person with a medical degree whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt.
    NOUN. The doctor is very happy because it is his first job.
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  • Sun: The star provides light andheart for the earth and around which the earth moves.
    NOUN. The sun is a very hot star.
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  • Fly: When a bird, insect, or aircraft filies, it moves through the air.
    VERB. The boy dreams of flying.
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