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Vocabulary test #1

  •  English    20     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • translate the phrase 'EITHER...OR"
    або --- або 
  •  15
  • translate the phrase 'NEITHER...NOR"
    ні те, ні те 
  •  15
  • translate the phrase 'BOTH...AND"
    обидва --- і --- 
  •  15
  • She --- a good designer (to be) + negative + question
    is \ is not \ is she 
  •  15
  • degrees of comparison "good" + make a sentence 
    good-better-the best 
  •  15
  • degrees of comparison "cheap" + make a sentence 
    cheap-cheaper-the cheapest
  •  15
  • degrees of comparison "compelling" + make a sentence 
    compelling - more compelling - the most compelling 
  •  15
  • translate into English "завтра я піду на роботу раніше" + negative + question
    i will go \ i will not go \ will i go 
  •  15
  • you --- the best worker of the month (to be) + negative + question
    are \ are not \are you
  •  15
  • i --- a first year student (to be) + negative + question
    am \ am not \ am I 
  •  15
  • we --- in the park two hours ago(to be in the past) + negative + question 
    were \ were not \ were we 
  •  15
  • she --- a teacher in her own school (to be in the past) + negative + question 
    was \ was not \ was she 
  •  15
  • ---- weekends
  •  15
  • translate into English "наступного року я стану власницею магазину косметики" + negative + question
    i will become \ i will not become \ will i become 
  •  15
  • translate into English "вона прокидається щоранку о 7 годині" + negative + question
    she gets up\ she doesn't get up \ does she get up 
  •  15
  • translate into English "він любить пити каву без цукру але з молоком " + negative + question
    he likes\ he doesn't like \ does he like 
  •  15