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Dama ben Nesina

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  • Who was Domo ben Nesino?
    A Roman official who resided in Ashkelon during the Roman occupation of Eretz Yisroel
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  • Why is Domo ben Nesino so famous and even mentioned in Gomoroh, Kidushin 31a
    He is famous for his amazing Kibud Av V'Aim which cost him a huge fortune.
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  • How did Hashem reward Domoh?
    He was rewarded by one of his cows giving birth to a red heifer which was then sold for the same amount he previously lost by doing Kibud Av V'Aim.
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  • Why was a poroh adumoh a fitting reward for Domoh's kibud ov?
    He was willing to sacrifice for a mitva he understood. Klall Yisroel will sacrifice also for a chok;a mitzva they dont understand.
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  • What gemstone was lost from the choshen mishpot and which tribe did it represent?
    a jasper gemstone. Binyomin.
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  • What is the Hebrew for jasper?
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  • What does yeshpeh mean?
    "There is a mouth." Someone who can keep a secret and is silent.
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  • Binyomin kept silent and did not inform Yaakov of the terrible sin of the brothers selling Yosef. Who of his descendants are famous for keeping silent?
    Binyomin’s mother, Rochel. Shaul , when anointed king of Israel, did not celebrate but went home quietly. Esther
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  • Why did Binyomin not tell his father what had happened to Yosef?
    his kibud ov stopped him from causing his father the terrible pain of knowing that the brothers hurt Yosef.
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  • Give another reason why Binyomin did not tell Yaakov of the sin of selling Yosef.
    Yaakov would then have seen how he was to blame for causing jealousy by favouring a son over others.
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  • Did Binyomin care about what happened to Yosef?
    Yes. He grieved for his older brother, and the names of each of his 10 sons reflected his longing and sadness over his brother’s sudden disappearance
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  • When domo's father woke up and he was able to sell his gem, which price did he ask for, the original one or the higher one he was later offered ?
    He took the original one as he did not want to benefit from honouring his father.
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